Why are we afraid of our abundance?

Why are we afraid of our abundance?

Why are we afraid of our abundance? Abundance – economic, health, well-being – is one of the goals that most people set out to achieve in its incarnation … but that few people touch. Why do most people miss something so positive? There are many and...
The unconscious and beliefs

The unconscious and beliefs

We all know that the human being uses very little of the brain: those who speak of 5%, who of 10%, all percentages that show that the very powerful computer we have at our disposal is not well exploited. A bit like buying one of the latest generation, with a lot of...
Why is sacrifice still the protagonist of our life?

Why is sacrifice still the protagonist of our life?

Why is sacrifice still the protagonist of our life? Throughout history, religions have always presented sacrifice to us as something positive and preparatory to a result: for example, Jesus sacrificed his life amid atrocious sufferings to free human beings, a...


“Being in Seventh Heaven” it is a very common expression that indicates extreme joy and happiness. But why exactly in Seventh Heaven? If you are in Thetahealer you already have the answer; if you are not, Vianna Stibal (but not only her, because the...
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