Find out how to enhance your knowledge of this technique ThetaHealing®

It often happens that my students confide in me that they find some aspects of it “difficult” inThetaHealing®. Some find themselves in difficulty with the digging, others with the readings and their interpretations, still others with the insertions and the sending, for example, of healing.

In most cases, however, it is not something objectively “difficult” to put into practice (and then who determines what is objectively difficult?), But of blocks or limiting beliefs that interfere with one’s abilities because they have not been worked during the courses or have not been worked sufficiently. In fact, those who have attended even a single seminar of this holistic discipline know that, often, before reaching the basis on which a certain belief rests and uprooting it, it may take more diggings or even more sessions, because a block can present itself in different aspects. and, for this reason, it must be approached from different points of view.


In this regard, gathering the suggestions of my students, I decided to offer Thetahealers a tutoring service, in the form of a session lasting about an hour, during which the student will be able to study individually that aspect of the discipline with which he has less familiar.

Whether it is the first rudiments of digging for those who have only attended Basic DNA or the deepening of an aspect of a day of Intuitive Anatomy, I will be completely at your disposal to clarify any doubts and work with the excavation and insertions, solving any limiting beliefs that block you, thus giving you the freedom to use the technique with greater ease.

This type of tutoring is also very useful for those who, already mastering the technique, still wish to deepen one or more specific aspects of the ThetaHealing®, such as divine timing, future reading, or other topics, because they feel they need to investigate them further or simply because they want to explore them out of personal curiosity.

Call me or write me right now and I will be happy to explain how we will proceed!

Cost of 75 Euro/h

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